
What's worth knowing?

Store Brine Mist at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

Brine Mist can be used for the duration of a respiratory tract infection, usually for about a week, or prophylactically once a day.

The expiry date is on the product label. Opening the packaging does not shorten this period.

Brine Mist is a 100% natural product. We deliberately do not add any fragrances, emulsifiers, or preservatives. When extracted from the depths of the earth, the Mist is colorless and odorless. Over time, chemical reactions occur that cause a change in color: from yellow to brown. Iron precipitates as sediment, and the smell becomes increasingly intense. These changes are completely natural and do not affect the quality of the product. To remove the sediment, shake the bottle.

Brine Mist can be purchased at any pharmacy in Poland or online from our partners. 

You can check the list of partners in the “Where to Buy” section.

To perform inhalation on a child, you can use professional inhalers or home steam inhalation methods, if the child’s age allows. For traditional steam inhalations, simply boil the Brine Mist, have the child lean over the steaming solution, and cover their head with a towel to enable inhalation of the vapors. It is important to adjust the procedure to the child’s age and needs.

Brine Mist can be used in various ways, making it an extremely versatile product. It can be used for inhalation and nebulization, gargling the mouth and throat, and rinsing the sinuses. Additionally, Brine Mist is an excellent air humidifier.

Yes, but for inhalation, nebulization, gargling, or rinsing the sinuses or mouth, it is best to use the undiluted Mist for the best results.

Brine Mist can be diluted with boiled or mineral water in a 1:2 ratio (1 dose of Brine Mist to 2 doses of water). This will create a solution similar to saline.

We recommend using boiled water or mineral water for diluting Brine Mist.

We do not recommend diluting Brine Mist with saline.

For children, about 5-10 minutes, and for adults, about 10-20 minutes.

We recommend performing preventive inhalations once a day to help prevent infections. If respiratory infection symptoms are already present, we recommend more frequent inhalations, up to 3-4 times a day.

Since Brine Mist is a 100% natural product, it is safe for children of all ages, including newborns.

Although both are based on the therapeutic properties of brine, they are created for different therapeutic purposes. Brine Mist is a special preparation designed for inhalation, nebulization, and rinsing the sinuses, throat, and mouth. In contrast, Thermal Brine is a concentrated solution designed for baths. The exceptionally high concentration of sodium chloride makes Thermal Brine primarily suitable for bathing and not for inhalation, nebulization, or rinsing the sinuses, throat, and mouth.

Saline is a solution that contains only table salt (NaCl) at a concentration of 0.9%. Brine Mist has a higher salt concentration of about 3%. Additionally, Brine Mist contains a unique composition of over 60 elements, including iodine, bromine, boron, calcium, magnesium, and other elements that play a key role in respiratory therapy. Therefore, Brine Mist is a more comprehensive product, resulting in more effective respiratory system therapy, including the throat and sinuses.

Brine Mist can be safely used in air humidifiers, provided the manufacturer does not exclude the use of brine solutions.

The recommended air humidification time depends on the environmental conditions. It is worth monitoring the air humidity and adjusting the humidification time. The optimal indoor humidity level is around 40-60%. Levels below 30% can be problematic and negatively affect our health. Optimal air humidity helps maintain the mucous membranes in the nose and throat in good condition, making breathing easier and reducing the risk of respiratory irritations. This also means we are more resistant to upper respiratory tract infections.

Yes, but remember to use essential oils moderately to avoid too intense a smell and potential allergic reactions.

Yes, Brine Mist can be used to rinse the mouth and throat. For best results, we recommend using it undiluted to fully utilize the properties of Brine Mist.

Yes, Brine Mist can be used to rinse the sinuses. Its natural mineral composition, especially the high iodine concentration, makes it an effective agent.

A hypertonic solution is a special type of solution characterized by a higher concentration of dissolved substances than bodily fluids. In the case of Brine Mist, a hypertonic solution means it has a higher salt concentration than the average salt content in the body. It is an excellent supplement during respiratory infection therapy.

If your child has a choking cough after inhalations, try the following steps:

  • Use steam inhalations instead of specialized devices like inhalers and nebulizers. During traditional inhalations, only water vapor, iodine, and other volatile elements are inhaled, while salt, which may cause the choking cough, remains in the container.
  • When using inhalation and nebulization devices, at first, a choking cough may result from sensitivity to the sodium chloride concentration. To avoid this in future sessions, dilute Brine Mist in a 1:2 ratio, adding two doses of mineral or boiled water to one dose of Brine Mist. This procedure will help reduce the sodium chloride concentration. After several inhalations, gradually reduce the dilution to a 1:1 ratio, monitoring the child’s reaction. If the choking cough persists, consult a doctor or consider traditional steam inhalation.

Brine Mist should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients.

Brine Mist is not intended for use during baths and adding it will not bring additional value to the bath. If you are looking for a product that will enrich your bath with beneficial minerals, we recommend using our Thermal, Algal-Thermal, or Spa Salts. For those who prefer a liquid form, Thermal Brine is an ideal choice.

Yes, Brine Mist is a 100% natural and safe product, making it suitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of inhalation therapy, regular cleaning of the inhaler or nebulizer used with Brine Mist is recommended. After each use, thoroughly wash the inhaler to eliminate potential contaminants. Bacteria and viruses can accumulate in the inhaler’s chamber, leading to re-inhalation during the next session. Maintaining device hygiene is crucial for the effectiveness of inhalation therapy and respiratory health.

Yes, Brine Mist is available without a prescription. You can purchase it at any pharmacy or from our partners here.

Yes, Brine Mist is a 100% natural and safe product, making it suitable for elderly people.

Usually, the entire inhaler/nebulizer container is filled – typically about 2-5 ml, unless the device’s user manual specifies otherwise.

Brine Mist can be used in most inhalers and air humidifiers. Always follow the instructions specified in the user manual and check if it does not prohibit the use of brine solutions.

We do not recommend adding essential oils to Brine Mist for inhalation. This has not been thoroughly studied for potential body reactions.

The differences between Thermal Salt and Spa Salt mainly lie in their mineral content. In Spa Salt, the concentration of iodine, bromine, and other elements is three times lower than in Thermal Salt. This means that the chemical composition of both salts varies, affecting their properties and potential applications.

The mineral content is crucial, remembering that a bath is not only about aesthetics. Most commercially available salts have minimal mineralization, offering only visual and aromatic benefits without contributing to health improvement. If you care about the beneficial properties of salts that provide health benefits, it is worth investing in high-quality products, such as Zabłocka iodine-bromine

Cosmetic, mineral, and preventive bath: A handful of salt in a bathtub of water will change the pH of the bath solution and positively affect the functioning of our body. Therapeutic baths are usually performed at concentrations ranging from 1% to 5%.

The optimal duration of a salt bath is about 30 minutes. This is enough time for the skin to absorb valuable mineral ingredients.

For a cold bath, it is worth choosing salts that contain natural minerals such as magnesium, iodine, bromine, and calcium. These elements support the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Viruses do not like high temperatures, so a hot salt bath is a great solution during the first days of a cold.

Remember to follow a few rules to fully utilize its potential. Key factors include water temperature, the amount of salt, and the duration of the bath. These parameters vary depending on the type of bath. More detailed information on their effects can be found in the leaflet of each product.

Adding iodine-bromine salts to the bath has many health and skincare benefits. These salts are rich in natural, easily absorbed minerals such as iodine, bromine, magnesium, calcium, and other trace elements. Baths with these salts have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. They nourish and moisturize the skin excellently, regenerate, relax the body, and help in muscle relaxation. They are an effective support in treating many ailments.

Thermal Salt is a natural mineral salt produced from medicinal brine, rich in various minerals and trace elements. In contrast, Algae-Thermal Salt is a special formula of salt that additionally contains a concentrated extract of Laminaria algae, known for its skin tissue production-stimulating, moisturizing, and nourishing properties. Additionally, Algae-Thermal Salt is enhanced with aromatherapy effects using French essential oils with relaxing properties. It’s an exceptional product creating ideal conditions for body and mind regeneration.

The baths differ mainly in the goal we want to achieve. A therapeutic bath aims to improve health and treat various physical ailments, as well as support regenerative processes. It can be used in pain relief, anti-inflammatory therapy, soothing irritations, or aiding wound healing. A cosmetic bath is primarily intended for skincare and improving skin appearance. Its main goals are hydration, nourishment, improving skin elasticity, and relaxation.

Thermal salt is white and odorless after production. Over time, chemical reactions cause a color change. From white, the salt can discolor to yellow or even brown. This is typical for iodine-rich salts and does not negatively impact its effectiveness or skincare properties. Additionally, a noticeable change may be a strengthened iodine scent during the bath, which is a natural consequence of the presence of this element in the salt.

Soaking feet in hot water is an effective way to improve blood circulation and stimulate the body to fight infections. This process is based on locally heating the tissues, which in turn increases body temperature and activates natural defense mechanisms. Therefore, foot soaking can be a great alternative to a traditional bath.

The main difference is that salts produced from seawater contain all the impurities typical of contemporary seas and oceans, including toxins, fertilizers, detergents, and microplastics. The concentrations of these substances have reached dangerous levels for human health. Regular use of such salts carries significant health risks. In contrast, Zabłocka salts are made from brine extracted from deep underground, free from any environmental contaminants. Additionally, Zabłocka salts have a much higher iodine concentration, many times greater than that in sea salts.

Adding a handful of Zabłocka thermal salt to each bath ensures mineral iodine supplementation for both the mother and the child. Iodine has a significant impact on the intellectual development of children even during the fetal period.

Zabłocka bath salts are an excellent choice for those seeking natural methods to alleviate dermatological problems. Rich in minerals, Zabłocka salts not only moisturize and nourish the skin but also soothe its irritations, providing relief and supporting the skin healing process.

Zabłocka thermal salt is an iodine-bromine salt, while Dead Sea salt is potassium-magnesium. Their effects will differ and depend on which elements will impact the body.

Epsom salt is a sulfur-magnesium salt and will be effective for ailments where these elements have medicinal or cosmetic effects. In Zabłocka thermal salt, iodine, bromine, calcium, and magnesium play the roles of active ingredients, making it a valuable product for throat, sinus, bronchial, and lung ailments.

Himalayan salt is rock salt and does not contain significantly high concentrations of any elements. Its effects on cosmetic, mineral, and therapeutic baths will be minimal compared to Zabłocka thermal salt.

For a spa bath, the best choice is Zabłocka algae-thermal salt, which deeply moisturizes, nourishes, and regenerates the skin, delaying its aging processes.

Brines are highly mineralized underground waters whose main components are chloride, sodium, and calcium ions. They occur throughout almost all of Poland. Some deposits are also rich in other valuable elements, such as iodine, bromine, magnesium, potassium, or lithium. Highly mineralized brines are mainly used in medicine, especially for treating rheumatic diseases, movement apparatus injuries, neurological disorders, and respiratory diseases. Thanks to their unique mineral properties, brines are an important element in natural therapy and rehabilitation, supporting health and body regeneration.

Iodine is not produced by our body, which means it must be supplied from external sources. Iodine deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies, affecting a significant portion of the population worldwide. Inadequate iodine intake can lead to severe health consequences. In children and infants, iodine deficiency can lead to delays in mental and physical development. In adults, it can lead to decreased energy, concentration problems, weight gain, and general weakness.

Iodine is an essential component needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, brain development, and the functioning of almost all tissues in the body. Without iodine, our thyroid cannot function properly, affecting the entire body. Iodine has impressive antiseptic properties, acting bactericidally, virucidally, and antifungally. Bacteria cannot develop resistance to iodine, making it the most potent known element with antiseptic properties. Iodine acts as a strong antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Its anticancer effects help prevent many types of cancer, such as thyroid, breast, prostate, ovarian, and uterine cancer. Iodine also supports the immune system, eliminating inflammations and strengthening the body’s immunity. It positively affects glucose metabolism, which is particularly important for people with diabetes, and plays a crucial role in the proper development of the nervous system and cognitive functions, especially during fetal life.

Bromine, often associated with the seashore and water, is much more than just a naturally occurring component in seawater. In medicine, it is an ingredient in asthma medications, helping control the disease’s symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients with respiratory conditions. Bromine dilates the bronchi and facilitates breathing, also preventing post-exercise bronchospasm. It positively affects the nervous system, alleviating nervous tension and reducing stress. Furthermore, bromine smooths and cleanses the skin and protects it from the effects of free radicals.

It is one of the most valued skincare ingredients from oceanic depths. Rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, it deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, stimulating its regenerative processes. It supports wound healing and minor damages, improving skin elasticity and texture. Highly concentrated Laminaria algae extract is a key ingredient in Algae-Thermal Salt, intended for comprehensive skin care. Its natural properties and gentleness make it suitable for various skin types, including sensitive skin. Algae-Thermal Salt is particularly valued in the care of skin affected by problems such as stretch marks, cellulite, or loss of firmness. Thanks to its moisturizing, regenerating, and toning properties, it effectively improves skin condition, restoring its healthy appearance and elasticity.